Author's Note: This is a monologue I wrote for Drama class and in the monologue a snotty girl learns that even she needs friends well, shes working on it.
“O-M-G, this is my worst nightmare. “ I just lost my best friend and I chipped a nail. Not that I care that I lost my best friend… my only friend… the one I would go to when I had a bad day… Oh my gosh! I have too many bad days not to have someone to talk to. But, like they say there’s plenty of fish in the sea but, not like her. I’m going to have to call and apologize right away but, I did nothing wrong, I’m not going to apologize. There are plenty of others that want to go get a mani-pedis with me but, I just chipped a nail and it’s all because, of her. I should make her pay for my mani-pedi and my new best friend’s. What color should I paint my nails? Razzle-Dazzle Red? Oh for the dance, I can make her pay for my new dress because, she ripped my other and heels that match and my new best friend can tell me I look good in all the dresses.