Author's Note: This post is my opion on peacocks. It's weird how people don't look past what's already there. People don't think of peacocks of what they are and we have to prevent that from happening. Peacocks are truely the perfect animal.
Peacocks are one of the most and strikingly marked of all birds. I love peacocks. They have so many special things about them that other animals don’t have. Peacocks are the best animals of all, I think this because, peacocks are pretty proud peacock princesses.
Something that most people know peacocks for is their beautiful trains. These trains are thought of to mean pride and royalty. Buddhists think that they symbolize openness and showing everyone your true colors, because the obvious; their feathers being all open and gorgeous!
Something that most people don’t know about peacocks is that peacocks can fly. Peacocks can fly but, only for short distances. They do this to stay away from predators. Another reason that peacocks fly is if they’re looking for a place to roost for the night. They can fly to trees with low branches. Peacocks also fly to try and find food.
Most people when they think of peacocks they think of normal peacocks but, there’re white peacocks too. White peacocks are exactly what you think of when you say white peacocks, they’re white peacocks. One fact people think is cool about peacocks is that they have a constellation that’s titled the peacock after them.
There’re also congo peacocks and they’re endangered. These peacocks are different than the rest of the species. They are smaller than the regular peacocks so, if you compared them you’d be able to tell which one was a regular peacock and which one was a congo peacock. The male congo peacock was discovered in 1936 after 23 years of searching in central Congo. Together we can save this beautiful creature.
Peacocks are the best animals of all, I think this because, peacocks are pretty proud peacock princesses. Not many people like peacocks but, they are actually quite amazing so, help these animals be noticed for their amazement.
Definition of Proud-USA
Author's Note: Writing this made me feel close to home, I even had the perfect quote to finish this story and make it come alive and reality. I'm dedicating this piece to my grandfather, thanks.
I am proud of this country because, through this country’s hard times we’ve truly pulled it together. All we need is each other. We’ve fought for what we have and what we have is freedom of speech which is something only few other countries have, and we are one of the lucky ones that does have that freedom. I can’t think of the United States without our freedom of speech.
When I think of the United States I think of the word proud that’s how we can describe our country. You can’t expect me not to bring up that the eagle symbolizes the United States. It is the perfect animal to symbolize us because, the eagle symbolizes freedom, nobility, and pride. We should be proud that we can have this animal symbolize our country.
“What so proudly”, even our national anthem has the word proud in it. When our flag was founded the colors of the flag had no meaning. The stars and stripes stood for; the stripes on the flag stand for the thirteen colonies and the stars stand for the fifty states. The colors stood for; white signifies purity and innocence. Red symbolizes hardiness and valour. Last but not least, blue is the color of the Chief (the broad band above the stripes) signifies vigilance, perseverance & justice.
My grandpa was a sargent in the U.S. army and whenever he tells me his stories I start to tear up because, I’m thinking to myself that people truly care for our country and fight for what we believe in. I also think to myself that army forces are what we should be proud of. We won all our most important fights and we do for a reason. We help our allies and they lend a hand to us when we're in need and without them the times we are in need we don’t have to struggle.
So, the answer’s yes. I’m definitely, without a doubt, positively am proud of this country. There’s nothing you can’t be proud of. I’m lucky to have even stepped foot into this country let alone live in it. Sometimes you take things for gradated but, think about your great live. Like I say, “Live as if you’ll die tomorrow.”
Point of View
Author's Note-- Have you ever thought to yourself, what do you think this object's point of view is? What do you think they like or dislike about being them. For this writing piece I was told to write from a point a view of an object I got for Christmas and I knew exactly what I wanted to write about.
I hated just sitting on that hook looking at all of my other North Face friends colored black and white. Picked off their hangers and taken home with blind people. I'm the prettiest color of all, purple! Then one day this nice women picked me off my hook and took me home. I knew I'd be a Christmas present so, I'd be stuck in a box for 9 hours but, it was all worth it (did I mention I'm claustrophobic). I'm now worn all the time and help keep the cold away from Emma, my owner. If I would've gotten picked off my hanger by a stinky, ugly person I would've have killed myself if I could.
I mean I have nothing to complain about I have the best life in the world, I get to see happy faces when I'm opened and worn all the time while bragged about. Emma being my owner makes life even better than the best life, her smile when she opened me, priceless and she tells everyone how much she loves me and how comfortable I am. There's only one bad thing about being me. If I'm broken I get locked in a box back to North Face to be fixed because, North Face will fix your zipper if it's broken and then I have to be locked back in to travel back to this stupid person's house; at least Emma's not one of those people. It's not that hard all you have to do is jiggle the zipper up and down right then left (not left then right, then it'll break the zipper even more) and it's fixed.
I'm glad I didn't turn out to be like my friend. Speaking of my friend he hasn't written me in 6 months, do you think my friend's okay?
Author's Note-- This creative writing piece tells how love can get in the way of the little things in life.
“What I would give to be loved back. I love but, only if I were lucky would I be loved back. Am I lucky? No!” As, I presented my monologue for drama, people look at me in sympathy. I look straight into my crushes eyes and he was already starring. That’s the best feeling in the world. I got red in the face and quietly walked awkwardly back to my seat. This was the only class that I could be myself, drama was my life. My monologue wasn’t something I needed to act out it was that someone I was. Like I said in my monologue I’m not one to be known as lucky. To prove my point my seat was right next to my crushes. “Meet me outside after school and I’ll walk you home” my crush whispered into my ear. My heart dropped. Everyone knew that was the first sign that your crush liked you back. I whispered, “Okay” back and he looked me straight in the eyes and smiled.
The only reason I think I didn’t faint t was because, I couldn’t wait for him to walk me home. I met him outside and we started walking in silence, my house was 2 miles away from school and it’s raining. “Was that monologue you presented today about…?” my crush said in his beautiful voice. “… me?”, what should I say, should I lie? I’m the worst liar though, my friends tell me all the time. “Yes” I couldn’t stop the words as they came out my mouth. He leans forward head cocked to the right slightly and all I can help but, think is this is the moment that I will remember for the rest of my life. I breathe out and tilt my head to the right slightly. I look at him, his eyes are closed and as I begin to close my eyes I think, this is what happens in the movies, what my monologue was all about. Our lips meet in the center and my arms wrap around his neck and his around my waist his right hand rested on the small of my back. I never wanted it to end. It was pouring by now and I release my lips from his and he holds his hand out for me to hold. We walk in silence until, “You made the wrong turn.” “I know” he says all nonchalant. I turn and see a tree house and he leads me up we talking for 2 straight hours until I kiss him goodbye and run home to think I’m dead, I didn’t tell my parents.
Hearts in Weird Places
Author's Note-- This creative writing piece tells everyone you can find love in the oddest places. You just have to keep your eye out.
It's nice to see that even nature is full of heart. My eye is drawn straight to the heart in the center that's parsley hidden. To me that shows that true love is hidden you have to look. You think this picture was something you saw but, didn't have to look for. NO!
Lyrics to Live By
Author's Note-- You know it's a good song when your learning it on guitar and want to sing along even though you know your a bad singer. It can be a sign when it's the song your mouthing in drama. Sometimes songs are special.
Mr know it all
Well ya think you know it all
But ya don't know a thing at all
Ain't it something y'all
When somebody tells you something bout you
Think that they know you more than you do
So you take it down another pill to swallow
Mr bring me down
Well ya like to bring me down don't ya
But I ain't laying down
Can't nobody tell me how it's gonna be
Nobody's gonna make a fool out of me
Baby you should know that I had not follow
Oh you think that you know me
That's why I'm leaving you lonely
Cause baby you don't know a thing about me
You don't know a thing about me
You ain't got the right to tell me
When and where to go, no right to tell me
Acting like you own me lately
Yeah baby you don't know a thing about me
You don't know a thing about me
Mr play your games
Only got yourself to blame
But I ain't falling back again
Cause I'm living my truth without your lies
Let's be clear baby this is goodbye
I ain't coming back tomorrow
Oh you think that you know me
That's why I'm leaving you lonely
Cause baby you don't know a thing about me
You don't know a thing about me
You ain't got the right to tell me
When and where to go, no right to tell me
Acting like you own me lately
Yeah baby you don't know a thing about me
You don't know a thing about me
So what you've got the world at your feet
And you know everything about everything
But you don't
You still think I'm coming back but baby you'll see
Oh you think that you know me
That's why I'm leaving you lonely
Cause baby you don't know a thing about me
You don't know a thing about me
You ain't got the right to tell me
When and where to go, no right to tell me
Acting like you own me lately
Yeah baby you don't know a thing about me
You don't know a thing about me
Mr know it all
Well ya think you know it all
But ya don't know a thing at all
Yeah baby you don't know a thing about me
You don't know a thing about me
Well ya think you know it all
But ya don't know a thing at all
Ain't it something y'all
When somebody tells you something bout you
Think that they know you more than you do
So you take it down another pill to swallow
Mr bring me down
Well ya like to bring me down don't ya
But I ain't laying down
Can't nobody tell me how it's gonna be
Nobody's gonna make a fool out of me
Baby you should know that I had not follow
Oh you think that you know me
That's why I'm leaving you lonely
Cause baby you don't know a thing about me
You don't know a thing about me
You ain't got the right to tell me
When and where to go, no right to tell me
Acting like you own me lately
Yeah baby you don't know a thing about me
You don't know a thing about me
Mr play your games
Only got yourself to blame
But I ain't falling back again
Cause I'm living my truth without your lies
Let's be clear baby this is goodbye
I ain't coming back tomorrow
Oh you think that you know me
That's why I'm leaving you lonely
Cause baby you don't know a thing about me
You don't know a thing about me
You ain't got the right to tell me
When and where to go, no right to tell me
Acting like you own me lately
Yeah baby you don't know a thing about me
You don't know a thing about me
So what you've got the world at your feet
And you know everything about everything
But you don't
You still think I'm coming back but baby you'll see
Oh you think that you know me
That's why I'm leaving you lonely
Cause baby you don't know a thing about me
You don't know a thing about me
You ain't got the right to tell me
When and where to go, no right to tell me
Acting like you own me lately
Yeah baby you don't know a thing about me
You don't know a thing about me
Mr know it all
Well ya think you know it all
But ya don't know a thing at all
Yeah baby you don't know a thing about me
You don't know a thing about me
Mr. Know it all by Kelly Clarkson is a song I listen to over and over on my iPod. I think what she is trying to sing out and spread the word of, no one knows you as good as you know yourself. People think they know every little detail of your life and they think they know when your sad and they think they know why. It's a lot of what's happening in my life change can be for the better like finding new friends but, then someone will always be jealous and you'll have to choose. So, what if you get a few new things for Christmas. You start wearing brown mascara instead of clear. You put a cheetah print skirt (which everyone loves) and a lace vest (which is something almost everyone should and or does have in their closet) together and there's a big transition, from jean skirt to printed skirt. Vest with jeans to vest with skirt. WOW! :)